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Olympic Flame Turkey
Bursa siemens servisiSponsor
bursa siemens servisi Icon
siemens bakim ve onarim servisi
View Profilebursa, bursa Turkey
Axis Capital Group SingaporeSponsor
Axis Capital Group Singapore Icon
Axis Capital Group, based in Singapore, is a company that sells and rents construction capital equipment from cranes to excavators and related heavy construction equipment throughout Southeast Asia. The company is a multi-line dealership that is committed in assisting you in finding the products that will meet your job requirements.
147852698 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Antalya Çocuk Dis KlinigiSponsor
Antalya Çocuk Dis Klinigi Icon
Klinigimizde, 0-16 yas çocuklarin ve gençlerin muayeneleri ve tedavileri yapilmaktadir. Çocuk hastada ilk muayene, yasaminin ileri dönemlerinde dis hekimi fobisi gelismemesi açisindan çok önemlidir. Muayene, hem çocuk hem de çocugun anne ve babasi ile iletisim kurmakla baslar ancak iletisimin merkezi çocuk olmalidir. Tanismadan sonra hastanin medikal ve dental hikayesi alinir. Daha sonra klinik ve radyografik muayeneye geçilir. Bu asamalardan sonra teshis ve tedavi planlamasi hakkinda hastaya, anne ve babasina bilgi verilir. Ilk muayene sirasinda tedavi islemleri uygulanmamalidir.
0242 966 03 36 | View ProfileMuratpasa, Antalya Turkey
Hair Transplant TurkeySponsor
Hair Transplant Turkey Icon
WHO I AM: I am the first hair transplant Guide and Coordinator in Turkey. I will help you to find the best hair transplant center in Turkey.Hair TransplatorHair Transplant SpeciailistI have been working at hair restoration sector in hair transplant Turkey and Istanbul for years.For many years i have worked with many clinics and many specialists that make hair restoration and hair transplantation.Istanbul is the best city that offers you the best quality/price race about hair transplantation in the world. I work with nearly all clinics and specialists that are doing hair transplant Turkey and i can organize all your transfers, accomodation and hair transplant Turkey.So if you need a personal assistant that will organize everything for hair transplant Turkey “It is me”
+90 541 895 2945 | View ProfileBayrampasa, Istanbul Turkey
Aytaç Yavuz Hukuk BürosuSponsor
Aytaç Yavuz Hukuk Bürosu Icon
Av. Aytaç YAVUZ önderliginde, alaninda uzman ekibi ile birlikte Istanbul Acibadem Caddesi’ndeki ofisinde is ve sosyal hayati ilgilendiren her türlü hukuki alanda hizmet vermektedir.Son derece karmasik konulari basitlestirerek, pratik ve yaratici çözümler üretmek konusunda önemli bir uzmanliga sahip olan büromuz özel hukukun hemen her alaninda danismanlik hizmeti sunmaktadir.
+90 532 486 78 62 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Module T EsSponsor
Module T Es Icon
Module-T es una marca de productos del grupo TMEC, que está ubicada en Estambul, Turquía. Module-T se especializa en el Diseño, la fabricación y la instalación de casetas y edificios modulares prefabricados, completamente equipados, en las zonas de trabajo de empresas que operan en el área de la construcción de obra pública, en la industria petrolera, gasera y minera.
+902163370540 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey, Istanbul Turkey
Te Fence ESSponsor
Te Fence ES Icon
TE-FENCE es una marca de producción y exportación del grupo TMEC INTERNATIONAL, ubicado en Estambul, Turquía.TE-FENCE se especializa en el diseño, producción y exportación de sistemas de vallado tales como vallas flexibles (simple o de doble torsión), vallas de panel rígido, vallas temporales para zona de obras, concertinas, alambrados de púas, portillas y portones, así como sistemas de vallado para espacios deportivos.De igual manera, TE-FENCE realiza el suministro y la aplicación, en todo el mundo, de áreas con piso acrílico, con césped artificial, con resina de poliuretano o EPDM. Nuestros sistemas de vallado robustos, económicos y concebidos especialmente para la exportación, responderán a sus necesidades y cumplirán satisfactoriamente sus exigencias de calidad del producto y tiempo de entrega.
02163370540 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
metabolicsurgeryistabul Icon
Alper Çelik was born on 26 February 1975 in Aksaray.
+90 212 220 22 22 | View ProfileIstanbul, Besiktas Turkey
Fashionyol Online StoreSponsor
Fashionyol Online Store Icon da en son moda kadin giyim trendini takip edebilir stilinize uygun kiyafetleri uygun fiyat ve ücretsiz kargo ile siparis edebilirsiniz. da abiye elbise, nisan elbisesi, kina elbisesi, dügün elbisesi, günlük elbiseler, yaz elbiseleri, tulumlar, sort tulumlar, bluzlar, gömlekler, tunikler, pantolonlar, etekler, tesettür elbiseler arasindan tarziniza en uygun kiyafetleri bulabilir ve kolayca satin alabilirsiniz.
+90 212 526 26 29 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Wondergulets Group - Elit Gulet LtdSponsor
Wondergulets Group - Elit Gulet Ltd Icon
We are the leader in Gulet charter and selling for more than two decades in Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Croatia, and Montenegro. Our selected fleet of more than 300 Gulets, divided into Standard, Superior, and Luxury classifications, ensures quality, reliability, and competitiveness. We arrange exclusive charter and cabin cruises for single travelers, couples, small and large groups.Our other key offering is consulting for gulet investors. For those who are looking to buy a second-hand gulet and refit or construct a new gulet, we offer purchasing and management services and further managing the charter services.
5464549450 | View ProfileMugla, Bodrum Turkey
Hijyen TemizlikSponsor
Hijyen Temizlik Icon
Eviniz için profesyonel bir Diyarbakir temizlik sirketi ariyorsaniz, dogru yere geldiniz. 10 yildir temizlik sektöründe hizmet veren firmamiz binlerce ev temizligi hizmetini basariyla gerçeklestirmistir. Diyarbakir temizlik sirketi diger Diyarbakir temizlik firmalari arasinda çok farkli olup evlere uygun fiyatli temizlik hizmetlerini özenle sunmaktadir. Sirketimiz bugüne kadar bir çok temizlik hizmetini basariyla tamamlamis ve tamamladigi hizmetlerin çogunda müsteri memnuniyetini üst seviyeye ulastirmistir.
05523249374 | View ProfileDiyarbakir, Turkey
Gozdem Gumruk MusavirligiSponsor
Gozdem Gumruk Musavirligi Icon
25+ yillik tecrübemizle Izmir, Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Mersin ve Konya'da müsteri memnuniyetine dayali profesyonel çözümler sunuyoruz.
View ProfileIzmir, Turkey
damasturk Icon
Damasturk specializes in real estate and legal consultancy in both residential and commercial properties. It was founded in 2014. The company's real estate projects are typically guaranteed by the Turkish government. Thus, clients can rest assured of getting a safe and positive experience.
00905535836590 | View ProfileBakirköy, Istanbul Turkey
Yakup AtagulSponsor
Sales Plus Saha Satis Otomasyon Sistemleri Icon
Sales Plus yeni nesil saha satis otomasyonu ile sahada bilginin gücünü kullanin! Saha satis süreçlerinde verimliliginizi arttiracak ve is yükünüzü hafifletecek saha satis programiyla gücünüze güç katin. Saha satisinda yasadiginiz tüm aksakliklari ve yönetimsel problemlerin önüne geçecek olan mobil saha uygulamasiyla saha çalismalarina hakim olabilirsiniz. Merkezden yönetimi güçlendirecek ve saha süreçlerini kontrol altina alabileceginiz saha satis yazilimiyla sizde çalismalarinizdan daha fazla verim elde edebilirsiniz.
0850 420 82 82 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
ALB ForexSponsor
ALB Forex Icon
SPK Onayli ALB Forex ile Birlikte Canli Forex Grafikleri ve Analizleri ile Islem Yapmaya Baslayin. Altin / Döviz / Hisse / Viop Analizleri.
View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
ZEGSEN Export, Import, Consulting, ExpertiseSponsor
ZEGSEN  Export, Import, Consulting, Expertise Icon
Founded in 2012 in Denizli, Zegsen Company is an e-commerce and digital marketing company that provides affordable consultancy, expertise solutions, and commercial cooperation for international business companies that want to export and import to Turkey.We cooperate with our companies on an educational, consulting, or commercial basis. We make all our transactions under contract within the plan and project.In addition to expert solutions, export training, and consulting services, we export Turkish home textiles, home decor art, and natural foods products that we supply from manufacturers in Denizli to about 40 countries. In addition, we bring imported electronic goods and machinery from China and America to the domestic market of Turkey.We are currently providing online and one-to-one services with our team in America, China, UAE, Canada, UK, Switzerland, France, Sweden, and our head office in Turkey.
+905550802280 | View ProfileDenizli, Denizli Turkey
Algo DocsSponsor
Algodocs Icon
AlgoDocs extracts text from PDFs & images. AlgoDocs is a powerful web-based AI Platform for Data Extraction developed using the latest technologies.
+90 232 70 011 70 | View ProfileSan Francisco, Select One Turkey
evissasabun Icon
sabun,kati sabun,gliserin,sabun makarnasi,evissa,winex,rojex,evila
05466780055 | View Profilesehitkaamil, gaziantep Turkey
Our company is the supplier of paper packaging products , cotton and PP Woven bags which are being produced by our domestic producers.Printed Bags , Rigit Boxes , Corrugated Boxes and Paperboard Boxes are being supplied continuously to the European Market CountriesWe have best competitive prices of cotton bags , paper bagsand corrugated boxesBesides , it will be pleasure for us to to serve you for your special needs such as hotfoil application, magnet , flock ,satin and other kinds of applications and accessoriesTrade partners of our company are being satisfied with our quality products , fast service and competitive price offersFurthermore , we have a supply service of any other paper packing products other than the ones which are not our product portfolioPAPER PACKAGING SOLUTIONS would like to welcome any opportunity to collaborate with our valuable customers
7417051 | View ProfileISTANBUL, Turkey
Tanitim Icon
View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
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