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Olympic Flame Serbia
Žar Mance - KisackaSponsor
Žar Mance - Kisacka Icon
Restaurant Žar Mance - Kisacka 6, just 7 minutes walk from the city center offers over 15 types of a barbecue grill. To continue through the figures, 30 years of tradition and a total capacity of 60 seats are available in the heart of Novi Sad. At the same address are Hostel S with parking and more than 100 beds. Besides the rich offer of barbecue, the restaurant offers a wide selection of soups, desserts, homemade wines and brandy, beer ... A fabulous ambience, friendly staff and quality snacks will make them feel at home!
062 8394643 | View ProfileNovi Sad, Serbia Serbia
Petar MededovicSponsor
Top of the Hub Icon
'Restoran Top of the Hub nalazi se na 25. spratu poslovnog centra “Ušce” na Novom Beogradu. Naš restoran predstavlja idealan ambijent za organizovanje razlicitih vrsta dogadaja (od korporativnih proslava, koktela, vencanja, ekskluzivnih vecera, do kulturnih, edukativnih i ostalih dešavanja poput modnih revija, konferencija i prezentacija), u prilog cemu govori naše višegodišnje iskustvo i veliki broj zadovoljnih klijenata. Restoran za svadbe, organizacija vencanja, korporarativne proslave'
View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia
Žar Mance - KisackaSponsor
Žar Mance - Kisacka Icon
Zar Mance Kisacka is a family-owned restaurant that has been serving BBQ dishes for over 30 years in the heart of Novi Sad, Serbia. Our specialty are cevapi, pljeskavice and smoked sausages. For our barbecue we use only the best meat and fresh vegetables. We grill our meat over natural wood charcoal, which gives the meat its unique flavour. Whether you're looking to dine-in with family or friends, or takeaway - we've got you covered. Our barbecue dishes come in generous portions so you'll leave satisfied and content with just one dish. Nothing beats a gorgeously grilled meal served on a platter, and we're here to make that happen for you. In addition to all the good food that we offer we have catering service included at our BBQ restaurant. Give us a call and let’s talk about your barbecue event and what type of catering you need. We welcome you to try our barbecue restaurant and enjoy the taste of the best meat.
+381 628394643 | View ProfileNovi Sad, Vojvodina Serbia
Spremi SamSponsor
Spremi Sam Icon
Vaša prva prava Meal kit dostava u Srbiji. Spremi Sam priprema kutiju sa hranom i velicinom porcije po vašem izboru. Zatim naši nutricionisti pripremaju vašu porudžbinu, koja ce direktno biti dostavljena ispred vaših vrata. Toliko je jednostavno! Vaše vreme je bitno, uštedite ga. Pripremu zdravih obroka prepustite nama. Uz veliki izbor razlicitih jela, nikad vam nece biti dosadno u kuhinji.
+381064118343 | View ProfileBeograd, Serbia