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Olympic Flame Panama
Hilt Tatum-IVSponsor
Hilt Tatum-IV Icon
An experienced business professional, Hilt Tatum IV works as the Chief Executive Officer of Oxford Consulting Group, a business consultancy located in Panama. In this role, Mr. Tatum holds responsibility for the company’s organizational efficiency and profitability and works closely with international clients in fields including technology, shipping, import and export, health care, real estate development, and agriculture and livestock. He consults with these clients in a diverse array of areas, ranging from strategic planning in emerging markets and international investment to private equity investment and investment banking. Hilt Tatum IV and Oxford Consulting Group also provide services in the fields of international expansion, tax planning and structuring, international financing and law, and global human resource management.In addition to his work as a business consultant, Hilt Tatum IV recognizes the importance of charitable giving and community service. Several years ago, he collaborated with his wife to found Project Joy Panama, an organization that helps underserved children and families in rural Panama. Mr. Tatum and Oxford Consulting Group sponsor the annual Christmas Charity, which collects and distributes presents such as soccer balls, dollhouses, and scooters to more than 100 children.Hilt Tatum IV studied International Business at the University of Montana, Eckerd College, and the Institute for American Universities in France and went on to complete the
View ProfilePanama, Panama